Dxn Marketing Plan


DXN Marketing Plan is proven free enterprise remuneration system, DXN help more people enjoy better health, financial independence and personal achievements hence having a higher quality of life with best income.

Definition of Terms

PV : Point Value, for qualification and status.
SV : Sales Value, for calculation of Bonus and Incentive.
Personal Point Value (PPV) /
Personal Sales Value (PSV)
: Total PV/SV generated from all personal cash bills
transacted in a month.
Personal Group Point Value (PGPV) /
Personal Group Sales Value (PGSV)
: Total PV/SV generated in a month by all downline
distributors within personal group
(ie. excluding breakaway QSAs) and own PPV/PSV.
Diamond Group Point Value (DGPV) /
Diamond Group Sales Value (DGSV)
: Total PV/SV generated in a month by all downline
distributors within your diamond group
(ie. excluding breakaway QSDs) and own PPV/PSV.
Qualified Star Agent (QSA) : Any SA who maintains 1000 PPV and 3,000 PGPV in a
Qualified Star Diamond (QSD) : Any Diamond who qualifies for 37% Star Group Bonus.
Travel Seminar Qualifier : Any SA and above who meets the Yearly Travel Seminar
Incentive Points (TSIP) Quota set for the year.

Introduction Of Remuneration

   1)  Retail Profit 15% - 25%

   2) Bonus (71%) and Cash Incentive (Rs 80,500)

         a) Group Bonus   6% - 21%
         b) Star Group Bonus 25% - 37%
         c) Development Bonus 15%
         d) International Profit Sharing   2%
         e) Leadership Bonus 15%
         f) Travel Seminar Incentive   2%
         g) One Time HP Cash Incentive Rs 10,500
         h) One Time Oversea Trip Cash Incentive Rs 70,000
Dxn Complete Marketing Plane 12 Months:

? Your IPS Point calculation:

      Level of Qualified SD
IPS (Profit Sharing) Point
            DGSV   X   100%
      1st Level QSD (L1)
+   L1   DGSV   X   50%
      2nd Level QSD (L2)
+   L2   DGSV   X   40%
      3rd Level QSD (L3)
+   L3   DGSV   X   30%
      4th Level QSD (L3)
+   L4   DGSV   X   20%
      5th Level QSD (L5)
+   L5   DGSV   X   10%  


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